lunes, 25 de octubre de 2010


1 H T H AW A
2 TI S
3 EL A E T H
6 HA M N E T
7M A R Y A R E N
8S R A T F O R
9H S O P H E
10 S S SA N A
11K I N E A R
12 RE
13S U S N
14P E I A
15 G OE
16 MA C B H
17R I H R
18 OE L

1. Surname of William Shakespeare's wife
2. The most cruel and bloody of Will's tragedies
3. Queen of England during most of Will's life
4. Tragedy set in the Roman Empire
5. Name of the book which collected Will's plays
6. Will's only son
7. Will's mother
8. Will's hometown
9. Name of Will's rival poet.
10.Founder of the Theatre
11.One of Will's most famous tragedies, in which a king has three daughters.
12.A famous theatre close to the Globe
13.Will's first daughter
14.Hamlet's unfortunate girlfriend
15.Will's theatre
16.One of Will's famous tragedy . " Out damn spot. Out, I say !"
17.Tragedy and name of the king who said " A horse. My kingdom for a horse !".
18.Tragedy and name of a man who killed his wife Desdemona for jealousy.

lunes, 18 de octubre de 2010

family tree

0. When was William Shakespeare born ?Where ?
- In 26 of April 1564. In Stratford-upon-Avon

1. Write the names of William Shakespeare’s parents . Who were they ?
- John Shakespeare a successful glober and alderman originally from Snitterfield and Mary Arden the daughter of an affluent landowning farmer.

2. Write the name of his wife. When did they get married?
- Anne Hathaway. In  28 of November 1582.

3. Write the names of his three children. What happened to them?
- Susanna, Hamnet and Judith. Hamnet die with eleven years.

4. What was the name of his hometown?
- His hometown is called Stratford.

5. Write the names of the buildings in his hometown related to him.
- A theatre, in concrete the Globe Theatre.

6. Where did he study?
- He studied at Grammar School.

7. Did he go to university?
- Yes he did.

8. Why did he leave his family and hometown to go to London?
- Because he wanted be an actor.

9. How many plays had he written when he arrived in London?
- I think he had written 14 plays.

10. When can we find the first reference to Shakespeare in the literary world of London ?
-  In the literature books and films or  plays.

11. When he was in London , he was an actor and playwritght who belonged to the company called Lord Chamberlein, which had been founded by The King's Magesty's Servants and whose theatre was called Globe. They had the best actor Shakespeare and the best dramatist Robert Grenne.

12. When and where did he die ?
- In 3 of may 1616, I think in London.

13. When and where did his wife die ?
- In 6 of August 1623, in the same place that Shakespeare.

14. Where is he buried ?
- I think he is buried in London.

15. What did his will state ?
-  To his daughters and Richard Burbage, John Hemingues, Henry Condell.